TIPS & TRICKS to EMBRACING ALL THE STAGES of Halloween as a parent....

Halloween is a special time for families, filled with excitement, costumes, and sugar load!

But as your kids grow older, the way you celebrate can start to change—and that can feel bittersweet for many moms. If you’ve ever found yourself missing the days when your little ones dressed up and ran from house to house with their candy bags, you’re not alone. But here’s the good news: Halloween can still be magical, even when the way you celebrate looks a little different.

Whether you’re a mom with young children or you’re watching your older kids begin to navigate Halloween on their own, there are still plenty of ways to embrace the season and find joy in the changes. Here are a few tips to help you celebrate Halloween at any stage -

For Moms with Younger Kids—Soak in the Magic of Trick-or-Treating

My youngest when she was a two year old piglet! 

When your kids are young, Halloween is filled with pure magic. From picking out the perfect costume to trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, these are the moments that create lasting memories. But let’s be honest, it can also be a little chaotic!

If you’re in the thick of the toddler or elementary school years, try to pause and soak in the small moments—the joy as they run from door to door or the excitement of showing off their costume at school and to the neighbors.

To keep things simple, grab that old dress up bin and see what sparks their imagination! Or, organize a costume swap with friends! Not only is it budget-friendly, but it also gives your kids a chance to pick out something "new" without the stress of shopping last-minute. Goodwill or is another great option for creative finds and won’t break the bank.

And, of course, don’t forget the snacks! Balance out the candy overload with some spooky themed snacks. If you are in charge of the snacks at school, turn mandarin oranges into pumpkins with a sharpie! So easy! Pair it with sugar cookies or something fun, and it’s the best of both worlds.

Are you in charge of the craft table? I used to buy little pumpkins and let the kids paint a small pumpkin to bring home. EASY, MESSY, FUN! perfect.

Game table leader? Goodness we do it all don’t we! I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t mention that if you are in a pinch and you need a great Halloween game- Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Halloween Edition has absolutely saved me! It’s perfect for elementary ages 7 and up.

For Moms with Older Kids—Embrace the Change

As your kids grow older, Halloween can start to look a little different. Maybe they’re not as excited about trick-or-treating, or they’d rather hang out with friends than go door-to-door with you. It’s totally normal to feel a little sad about this transition, but it’s also an opportunity to create new traditions that can still be just as special.

Instead of focusing on what’s missing, try embracing what’s new. Take a peaceful evening walk through the neighborhood with a warm drink in hand, soaking in the festive decorations and greeting neighbors. Or, turn Halloween night into a cozy family tradition—make your favorite slow cooker Halloween chili, light a fire, and put on a movie marathon filled with spooky classics.

If you’re feeling playful, don’t be afraid to decorate the house and get in on the fun yourself. Halloween is a great excuse to tap into your inner child—whether that means dressing up, baking treats, or putting up fun decorations. And remember, just because your kids are older doesn’t mean the fun has to end. I love to dress up and ALWAYS take the opportunity to do so!

How to Find Joy in the New Traditions

One of the most important things to remember as your kids grow is that even though Halloween looks different now, there’s still so much joy to be found. Whether you’re celebrating with younger children who are still immersed in the excitement of trick-or-treating or watching your older kids create their own Halloween memories with friends, this season offers something for everyone.

Rmbrace the small moments—whether it’s decorating your home, making time for cozy movie nights, or walking through your community on Halloween night. The fun and excitement don’t disappear as your kids grow older—it just transforms into something new, and there’s beauty in that change.

Celebrate the Season at Any Stage

Even though class parties and costume parades might be in the past, Halloween can still be a time to celebrate, laugh, and enjoy the season as a family. Whether you’re juggling the excitement of younger children or learning to navigate the independence of older kids, remember to savor each moment.

At the end of the day, Halloween is about creating memories—no matter what stage of life you or your children are in. So, grab that bowl of popcorn, throw on your favorite spooky playlist, and let’s celebrate all that this festive season has to offer.

As for me…

We are a little bit in between. Our older kids are in college and off with friends. And I lamented that transition a few years ago. Now, our middle school aged kids are still dressing up and want us with them to walk the neighborhood, but it is soon to change. So I will make the themed food and I will dress up because that’s how I enjoy the season! I will soak in this last year or two of them wanting to trick-or-treat with parents in tow, but I know the transition is coming...and I plan to embrace it - no matter what it looks like!

Wherever you are on this road mama, I hope you find magic in it and have fun in whatever way that looks like to you.



PS. At least you know your kids will give you the Snickers! We call it “Parent tax”

Jenna Schroeder

Jenna is a writer living in the sweetheart of Ohio.

The Feeling of Home