Mud-Slinging Hope

What do we do when we encounter disappointment?

When we have worked so hard for something and there is no fruit from our labor. Or, what if the reward doesn’t match the lengths we went to? What about when someone that we were really counting on does not follow through? How do we respond?

Other than the obvious crying, swearing, kicking something, and drowning ourselves in wine, chocolate, and Netflix...

After that. What happens?

Do we just give up? Let it go? Move on with a bit more sorrow to our soul? Accept defeat?

I’m not convinced it's always the way to go.

Yes, we have to grieve, and we should be sad when our hopes are dashed because, let’s be honest, disappointment can be crushing! Ugh, it hurts.

BUT - There is this still small voice that tells me we shouldn’t stay down forever. We can get back up. And not only that, but I question -

Does the reward have to define our joy?

Do we only celebrate in the moments of triumph OR can we also party with defeat?

I have a lot of questions.

I am surely being tested in this right now. I have been working on a children’s book for years, laboriously pushing the publisher to cross the finish line so I can have it in my hands and announce it to the world. It’s taken a lot of work. Needless to say, the publishing release date was supposed to be 2/29!

However, sigh, I got my copies and they were all kinds of wrong.

I was heartbroken.

Disappointment is an understatement from what I envisioned with what I received. I was really excited to celebrate this great big accomplishment. Instead, I’d be embarrassed if anyone got it. And that is not how I want to feel at all from this lengthy labor of love.

So I am in the middle of it.

I met up with a friend the day after this (and another project) had plummeted. Over our apps and happy hour drinks, she had me laughing by the end with ideas on how to lean into my personal catastrophe. What a blessing to drive home with a smile when I had started the day in tears. And it led me to want to lean in even more, for you.

SO many of us are in the midst of something that is not at all what we wanted. Bad news, poor outcomes, a disappointing relationship (whatever the case may be) we are left to figure out how to deal with it.

I want you to know that if an outcome doesn’t live up to your well-deserved expectation - it does not have to keep you down forever.

Life is full of ups and downs, WE KNOW THIS.

Some downs can get us really low though, like Flo Rida low. So if that’s you, I want to remind you that you aren’t alone. If you don’t like your circumstance - don’t let it stay. You have the power to change it! And you have a God-given right to use the gifts and skills you’ve been given to do so.

We have the right to stand back up and keep on fighting for what we believe in and to keep working toward our dream. To achieve our happy endings —whatever that may be! And there is no reason why we can’t encourage each other in hope - even in the muddy puddle of disappointment.

Mud can be fun, right?

Why not? Especially if the only way through this life is messy.

I had all these beautiful stories to share with you about my book dear reader. I have the background I long to tell you. I have things to say. My message has turned momentarily into something else. All of those amazing celebratory blog posts will just have to wait.

Welcome to the journey of real life. Want to party in the mud with me?

Throw the first clump?

I’m ready for some mud-slinging fun!

Let’s roll around and laugh until we cry so hard we can’t breathe.

And then, let’s get back up!

Imagine, I am holding out my hand and pulling you to your feet. Don’t let whatever has been standing in your way hold you down. You deserve more!

I imagine you are pulling me up too. We will drag our toes out of the puddle if we must but doggone it we will move forward! We can wash each other's grime of disappointment and heartbreak off… hand me that towel. I got you!

It’s time to finish what we started and reap the reward of a celebrated spirit! You aren’t alone. Whatever knocked you down DOES NOT DEFINE YOU. Whatever reward you didn’t get doesn’t reflect your worth. Nope, it sure does not. You are AMAZING with AND without!

We still got work to do though - So, let’s do this!

Do I have mud on my teeth?

Andare you coming?

Jenna Schroeder

Jenna is a writer living in the sweetheart of Ohio.

Weathering Heart Storms


The Idea of Spring