Jenna Schroeder

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November Beauty

My husband and I took a walk yesterday. We side stepped into a park to find a small trail in the woods. All the leaves were yellow. As we crunched our way through trying to find the previous laid path, we stopped for a moment because the view was so breathtaking. All the yellow leaves were glittering down slowly, making only the slightest of rustle. Leaf snow.

And in this beautiful quiet I wished that I had my phone so that I could have recorded it for you, for it felt like gift wrapped up with a big yellow bow, and I was thankful. 

In one of the hardest years of my life, I have been left weary and bone tired. Yet, I found that even in sickness, I find the gem that I’ve been given the chance to rest. And that in stark loneliness, I’ve found joy in a hobby and laughter in new friendships. And in the deep worry over a loved one, I have found comfort in a peace that surpasses all of my understanding.

I am forever astounded by a creator who I cannot see but when the going gets rough, wraps around me like a bear hug I didn’t know I needed. And love squeaks out in the beauty of flowers and pretty trees and funny people and meals at my doorstep. It doesn’t change the hard, but it certainly helps to know, you’re not alone. 

This morning my daughter pointed out the leaves on the ground, crisped up by the mornings frost. What others might be disappointed by, she thought was beautiful. I believe nature is always teaching us something. In the sudden still moment of leaf snow, I realized that I wouldn’t have gotten to see so much beauty on that walk or on the leaves frozen before me now, if the leaves had never decided to let go.

I wondered, what do I need to let go of that no longer brings me life?

To become more free…and a new kind of beautiful.

As we move into a month of thanksgiving, and with it follows the hope of warm hearts and homes- all around us people will choose to go through their life busy or slow, half glass full or empty, but how we choose to move is entirely up to us. 

Will we notice the leaves change and in our hardship find love’s grace? Can we be thankful for the smallest of things, even if we are in pain? And if we can’t muster up any of that, can we as a prayer offering hand it to one who can do all the mustering in our stead? And if it’s not us that needs the holding, can we reach out our hand to lift up another?

I believe there’s a yearning from the Comforter to replace our empty, with overflow. Perhaps all we need to do, is notice.

Beloveds, may November be a month where you find yourself whispering thanks for the little things that bring you joy. And may that attitude of gratitude be a reflection of your gorgeous patient heart; ready to love, ready to give, ready to accept, ready to change and ready to let go.

For life is always ready to give. More often than not, it’s just ready to give to us in new ways. And it waits upon our okay, for transformation.

Journal prompts:

What is nature hinting to you, today?

What is something small you are thankful for? 

Is there anything you feel you need to let go of?

30 Day Challenge:

Think of something you are grateful for every night before you go to sleep. Let your mind rest on whatever gift you opened up in your day and see if it doesn’t position your heart on peace. 

All my love,


“For whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.” Phil. 4:8

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