Jenna Schroeder

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Overcoming Overwhelm

Simple Strategies for Busy Lives

In today's fast-paced world, feeling overwhelmed is more common than ever. From juggling work deadlines to managing home responsibilities and kids schedules, the chaos can sometimes feel unending. We are trying to do everything all the time, which means nothing actually gets done the way we wished, and we end up more stressed out in the end. We know that living in an overwhelmed state is not what’s best for us. So, how do we change it?

The good news is we can have a say on how we feel and what our day looks like. With some really simple adjustments, we can actually create some peace and order for ourselves, to handle the busy.

In this post, I share practical steps to help you manage overwhelm effectively. A few small things that I’ve tried here, have had a real impact in my mindset. They may be simple, but they have been effective in helping me calm the chaos inside. So like a cup of coffee on a porch for two, I’d like to share these tips with you to gather a little hope for your day.

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Here are Five Simple Steps to Overcome Overwhelm.

  1. Identify What You Can Control

Start by distinguishing between what you can and can't control.

This simple exercise of naming and categorizing can dramatically reduce feelings of stress and helplessness. Take time to journal every morning to figure out what might be causing you to worry and what is on your plate for that day. Then decide between these two questions.

What do you have control over? What is out of your hands?

Once you decide what you can actually change, it will help you focus your efforts on areas where you can make an impact, and let go of the worry that doesn't serve you.

Letting go of worry is hard, I know. It is however essential to ease nerves that we release the power it has over us. Sometimes a few simple breaths with some long exhales will do the trick. I find remembering the old Irish Serenity Prayer can help: “God help me to change the things I can, let go of the things I can’t, and give me the wisdom to know the difference.

2. Set Clear Boundaries

Setting boundaries is crucial in managing overwhelm. Learn to say no to tasks that don't align with your priorities, and yes to those that do. Clear boundaries not only protect your time but also your energy and peace of mind.

It’s important to know what those priorities are. Having a quick list you can cross reference can be helpful. What are your current must-do goals, and what can be saved for another time?

We are all a work in progress, and this one takes a lot of effort for me. But if you know your priorities, and your capacity, than it will help you in a path toward boundary setting that’s healthy.

3. Tackle One Task at a Time

Multitasking might seem efficient, but it can actually cause more stress and less productivity. Focus on one task at a time for more effective results. You’ll find that this approach can lead to better work quality and less mental clutter.

For me, I’ve started allocating time slots and days for certain types of projects or commitments. An example for me is I’ll plan for a writing hour, and another hour for email response. I look over my volunteer commitments only on Fridays. Compartmentalizing my tasks helps me to stay focused and not get overwhelmed. Piece by piece is much more manageable than everything all at once! See how you can divide your time up so you can focus on just one task at a time.

4. Incorporate Regular Breaks

Just like you schedule meetings and tasks, schedule regular breaks. A short walk, a moment of meditation, or simply stepping away from your desk can refresh your mind and boost your productivity.

A lot of people have a timer on their phone or watch to stand up every hour. A lot of us are working remotely and sometimes, we work even harder and longer hours because of that. It’s important to remember we are not cogs on the wheel and we have to keep the WHOLE self healthy. Taking breaks for your mental, physical and spiritual help is vital to avoiding burn out and creating a healthy life style.

5. Reflect Regularly

End each day with a brief reflection. Consider your day and write about what went well. This can shift your perspective from what you didn’t do, to what you accomplished; fostering a sense of productivity and satisfaction.

For as much as we focus on our worry we must bring attention to our wins, as small as they may be. We need to be proud of what we do, and also remember, we aren’t all that we do. We are so much more!

This month, I’ve decided to keep a journal by my bed. Since I’ve had trouble sleeping at night I’ve decided to change my evening routine to write down any thing I was feeling, what went well but also to write down things I’m grateful for. This simple new habit has quickly set my mind at ease and helps me not to worry in my head at night because I’ve already poured it out in my journal. And set my mind on things I’m grateful for. Reflecting on the positives of our day can be a great tool on creating a positive shift in thinking.

Overcome Overwhelm

Overwhelm doesn't have to be a permanent state. By implementing these strategies, you can manage your to-do’s more effectively and find more joy in your daily life. Let’s create the life we want and not just react to what’s coming to us. I want to help you navigate life's challenges with ease and intentionality, finding more pockets of peace for your day.

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