Summer Magic

Indicating that summer is nearing a close, I am receiving “back to school” emails, sports tournament dates and dance class schedules. I think I might hyperventilate. I can feel it in my bones…

I’m not ready.

Questions began to plague me:

Did we do all the things we needed to do?

Have all the fun there was to be had?

Our summer was all over the place. The beginning was busy with my daughters play (to which yours truly spent all her time choreographing and teaching), in the middle we went on vacation, and as soon as the play was over my husband and boys traveled off the grid on a camping adventure. Meanwhile, I’ve been teaching my eldest how to drive (Record scratch) and we hosted family for the end of July!

In true mom fashion, I was also able to execute three summer birthday celebrations in the middle of the chaos! The birthday signs are still up, we will just keep it there until the next one happens in a few weeks. C’est la vie!

I regret not having enough pool days or any trips to Kings Island, but I did have some special moments with my niece and nephew, and with my girls while my boys were out of town. Late night chats after Lily’s work shift ended, walks, lunches and Disney show-binging with Rosie were really good for my mama heart.

Summer Fun

Spontaneously kayaked on the river with my baby.

Quick aside: I did have the pure joy of seeing two icon female artists I adore (T-Swift and Pink in the same summer)! Not to mention, the Barbie movie blew me away! All top notch experiences I truly enjoyed.


I loved getting to experience this concert with my teen!

Needless to say our summer was full. My kids still got bored. I felt really busy.

As the timeline of summer dwindles, I lament that soon my children will be hustling with activity. The idea of a spontaneous adventure during a hot day will end. Their days (and mine) will turn into homework, practices, packing school lunches and so much more. I can’t help but wonder, did I do this summer right? How come I don’t feel great about our summer and not ready for it to end.

Even though my summer had a lot of good things, it was also really hard.

Stressful situations, difficult people, and circumstances I couldn’t change were also a part of my days. Not to mention the daily burden of keeping everyone fed, watered and entertained while I worked! All of it was really challenging.

My summer DREAMS consist of lazy days at the pool, picnics, parks, roller coasters, laughter and ice cream. Sadly, I feel that I may have missed out on a little summer magic for myself. I know I can’t be responsible for making everyones summer season magical, but for some reason, I feel like I am.

In truth, I need that dreamy summer more than I realized.

Sometimes I accidentally project my own ideas onto my kids. I found myself asking them, “what do you want to do with the rest of summer break?”

I would be remiss if I didn’t ask myself that same question.

What haven’t I done yet that I wanted to do?

What would bring me summer joy, too?

With a few weeks left and a little bit of intension, I think I can still put a little magic back into my summer. I want to do it without the pressure of perfect, the burden of busy or a dreamy version of life that doesn’t exist. Ain’t no one got time for more unnecessary guilt!

I just want to pencil in a little connection, freedom, and fun. Even if I am the only one who needs the magic, she’s getting penciled in.

Reflection Questions:

How are you feeling about summer winding down?

Who do you still want to connect with?

Any last summer ‘23 experiences you’d like to have?

If you can relate to a similar desire on your heart, then I hope you’ll take the initiative and the time to sprinkle a little more summer magic on your calendar too! I have it on good authority that fairy dust is just a pencil away.



Jenna Schroeder

Jenna is a writer living in the sweetheart of Ohio.

Bird Prayer


Mountains and Dreams