Jenna Schroeder

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The Beautiful Words

Ever have powerful words stick out in your memory? The ones that lifted your spirits, that surprise you they were so kind…that spoke to something inside you you didn’t even know you needed to hear?

Like anyone else I have my own insecurities. The other day I was asked if I would be willing to do something that I am super scared of doing. The delay in my answer gave me away and the response I got met my doubt in the face. “I wouldn’t have you here if I didn’t think you could do this. You are here, because I believe you absolutely can do this.”

Stunned, I found myself wanting to linger on every one of his words. Words I’d never heard before.

So often our minds are laced with negative thoughts. Negative self talk. Negative things spoken over us or to us. It’s so easy to remember them. It’s so easy to live with them. And its even easier to operate from within them. Leading us to act out of fear and doubt, these negative pathways will unfortunately keep us from achieving our goals and our dreams. 

Yet, every now and then a blessed soul takes a moment and speaks up. They go out on a tiny limb and share something they see in you. 

I don’t know about you, but when I hear an encouraging word I find myself clinging like a monkey to a branch…I swing around it and around it wondering…is that really true? Did they really think that? Did they really mean that? Could those words really be, for me?

If I trust that moment, that persons authenticity…than I can make a nest right then and there and activate a whole new path of decisions. Operating out of truth, confidence, and belief in myself instead. The outcomes are much different than when I operate out of self-doubt. The end result, is everything. It’s what I was meant to do and be and become. 

What would it mean if we called life back into peoples hearts? What would it look like if when we saw talent we spoke it? If when we saw beauty we declared it? If when we saw kindness we applauded it? If when we saw fear, we dispelled it? And instead, infused each other with confidence they were always meant to have.

For we all have something to offer, we were all made for something unique. Some of us happen to be on a negative loop track. Let’s derail that conversation and set each other on the path of positive thinking. 

When you see something good, say it. Speak the beautiful things! And when we hear those new thoughts, sweet Jesus, believe them. Let’s see what wonderful things may come.

Cheering you on as always…
