Jenna Schroeder

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True Self

I suddenly realized I don’t need as much as I did before. Less is actually, more.

Less friends, but they are true. Less activities, but what I like to do. Less things, just what I need. Less dreams, only what matters to me. And, what matters to you. 

So much of our adult life is peeling back the layers from who we have become to who we once were. Only to find, who we are has been sitting there quiet in the center, all this time.

The core of us buds as a child, then slowly, our light diminishes to fit in little measurements. Sizes, lifestyles and characteristics that we think will be accepted. Formats that squeeze our quirks and quiet our weaknesses. In reality, our flaws set us apart, not our perfections. 

What’s the point of trying to be perfect? To fit in? Into what, I ask? 

We must remain true to ourselves and who we actually are. We need to remember our childhood dreams. Our sense of how we showed up in the world before the world showed up in us.

Remember your hobbies as a kid? Take a look at them and your natural gifts. It is those gifts that the world needs, the authenticity of you that everyone needs to receive from. 

Why would God create a mold like you just to have it hidden away not to be used? For a steady job? Normalcy? To never do anything afraid? To not allow you to be happy?

If God is one of love and creativity, of bigness and faith and of stars and oceans, and humans are made in his beloved image, then weren’t we created with wonder on purpose?

Like a potter to his wheel of clay...he molded and pressed and thought and cultivated as an artist does to make something beautiful. Surely, he doesn’t want you to hide the embellishments he dreamed up when he made you.

Should we really squander our talents due to an abstract idea of who we ought to be instead of being who we are?  

Friends, I think our creator wants the differences that make us, be lived out loud in love. Can we be so bold with who we are and all of our gifts and flaws and feelings and dreams?

I hear a silent trumpet call ringing in the air: Embrace them! Enjoy them! Share them! 

Let’s not let fear steal one more second of this God given truth; who we are made to be is actually who we already are. We just have to allow ourselves, to be free.

To operate as we are; whole, imperfect, unique and gifted...we must go on a journey to find ourselves. And once we pull back the curtain we can accept ourselves. Once we accept ourselves, we are free to be brave. And then, we can share our true selves with others, the ones that need us most. 

Your authentic self. 

She’s ready and waiting for you to give her the A Okay, sister. 

What’s holding her back?

Could it be, you?

Psalm 139:14 

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.