Jenna Schroeder

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Very Much There

We have been blessed by summer birthdays and swim team practices, but all of it meant turning the page from May to June to July not making much of a difference in our schedules. Nearing the end of this month, I am surprised at how little I have posted; although my journal tells a different story. Some seasons of our souls are like that. 

I am looking forward to the quiet lull of summer where we can lazily catch fireflies to our hearts content and I can recenter myself on the art inside of me. For now, I am hanging onto the thick heat of the day, the ebb and flow of thunderstorms that break the sun’s weight, and the cooler breeze that follows. It feels like the path of my heart these days. There is fullness and too much heat and the need for air and space that a storm creates. I feel one with nature. 

This morning I read in Psalm 33:22 “Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.”

‘Even as we hope’ feels like a deeper cry from the well. A cry that still trusts but is perhaps, coming from a harder season. A season of clinging to something invisibly there. Like hope.

The other day I saw a deer in our fenced in yard, she was eating our newly planted sugar snap peas. Deer always remind me that God is near. 

So I asked him, “God are you near?”

 “Nothing separates you from my love”  

“Even my thoughts?” I asked.

“Even your thoughts” he said. 

And then I felt it, for a moment I had an understanding about his love. And the steadfastness of it. Undeterred of anything we say or do or are. And I was thankful that he answered me.

Are you in a season like that? If so, I pray you will find love resting on your shoulder like the soft landing of a butterfly. Gentle. Present. Beauty you didn’t know was there, but is. Untouchable and breathtaking, and…very much there.