Jenna Schroeder

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Weathering Heart Storms

Lately, my heart has been carrying some extra weight, and I can't quite put my finger on it.

Sure I’ve had a series of letdowns – projects needing fixing, failed attempts for a family vacation, worries about a friend, miscommunications with my spouse and the looming departure of my oldest daughter for college (CUE me sobbing).

These thoughts have been on a relentless loop in my mind, refusing to budge. Usually I can chalk it up to this so called life and go on with my day! Yet, even when the sun broke through after days of dreary rain, I couldn't seem to shake the funk. What gives?

I tried everything to lift my spirits – yoga, a brisk walk with my pup, eating right. Nothing was working. I eventually unloaded on my husband, who, bless his heart, tried to fix things but only ended up with a crying wife on his hands.

And then, an actual storm rolled in.

In moments like these, when life throws some curveballs and the path ahead seems murky, I can't help but feel SO overwhelmed. Mistakes feel heavy, loneliness creeps in when I haven’t ventured outside of my four walls and unmet expectations steal my joy. Oh the piling.

So, what's a girl to do when the emotional forecast calls for cloudy?

The three things that ended up helping me the most are as follows:

  • Feel the feelings: If there is one thing I’ve learned as an empath it is this: it's okay to sit with our emotions, even the messy ones. Give yourself permission to feel your feelings – whatever they may be. Our emotions serve a purpose and it's crucial to allow ourselves the space to process them.

  • Find Comfort: Seems simple, right? If you’ve been here awhile you know that I am a big believer in the small things. Seeking out pockets of solace for yourself is a helpful tool. Whether it's a hug, a song, diving into a beloved book or movie, or indulging in a favorite comfort food, don't underestimate the power of self-care to soothe the soul.

  • Share Your Load: Reach out to your people – you know, the ones who always seem to know just what to say (or not say) to lift your spirits. While they may not have all the answers, their presence can be a balm for the soul. Sharing our burdens not only lightens the load but also reminds us that we're not alone!

True to my nature on how I process emotions, I found a song that matched my mood and played it repeatedly until I felt it in my bones. Brandi Carlile’s song, The Eye has been impactful to me because she talks about dancing in the hurricane. Dancing it out in my dining room, letting the feelings do their thing and getting them out of my body was healing for me.

I’ll share a link to the song below if you want to take a listen:

After I cried all the tears and danced my little heart out, I felt my emotions release physically. Hearing the storm outside I found myself seeking refuge on my front porch, I slowed down and sat in my rocker - listening. The sight and sound of rain falling calmed my spirit.

Rocking back and forth on my chair and watching nature do it’s thing, the porch door opened and out walked my husband with a hot cup of tea. For me. This small but mighty gesture uplifted my heart and it made me feel cared for.

Because I didn’t feel like being around anyone I almost cancelled a scheduled meeting with my brother. But I didn’t. And because I did not cancel, I ended up having a friendly conversation that cheered me up! Probably because he answered the call wearing a goat shaped hat!

Slowly I began to feel a little lighter and a little less alone.

That night I sent a text about where I was emotionally to a friend who validated me. And then, I put on a rom-com movie and enjoyed my favorite pairings: nachos and chocolate. Honestly the next day, although nothing had changed, I woke up feeling a lot better!

Perhaps all I needed is the gentle reminder that I am loved and that I am not alone. And there is always something beautiful to be found in a storm - especially when I dance in it!

Navigating the ups and downs of our hearts is no easy task, but if we remember to embrace the messy and help ourselves in small ways - we can find healing. And when the clouds gather more often than we would like, let’s seek solace in both connection and in comfort.

I’ll leave you with a quote from a children’s book that I loved reading to my kids. This line is from Today I feel Silly and Other Moods that Make My Day by Jamie Lee Curtis:

I'd rather feel silly, excited or glad

than cranky or grumpy, discouraged or sad.

But moods are just something that happen each day

Whatever I’m feeling inside is okay!

Questions for Reflection:

  • Are you giving yourself permission to feel your emotions, even the messy ones?

  • What small acts bring a sense of comfort to your soul?

  • Who are your go-to people when you need a little extra love?

Sending you love always…

