Jenna Schroeder

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Mountains and Dreams

Dreams start with a seed of hope, and are followed by a million decisions that take us there…

or not.

We answer a lot of questions on this journey of life; What job to have, who to share your life with, where to live and who to be. But we all have this little nugget inside of us that is filled with some sort of dream to which we aspire.

Often times, in the daily hustle we forget about that little dream seed that was planted long ago and we make choices that lead us elsewhere.

Opportunities show up, unforeseen circumstances arise, a relationship doesn’t go how we wished, someone else gets the job, we might not meet a partner, we meet a partner with different dreams, it takes a long time to have children, or we had them sooner than we thought, we didn’t get into the program, finances are a struggle, or we found a new dream…

Whether it be opportunities, bumps in the road or larger than life circumstances no one could have expected…we can end up in places we would’ve never carved out for ourselves.

Sometimes those places are spectacular! Sometimes, they are not where we want to be at all.

Along our journey we are often met with an open space. A decision sits before us that will lead us back to that original dream or touch it in some way.

Simultaneously, fear can show up and sit rocking the decision back and forth, keeping us from confidently moving in the direction our small quiet voice is telling us to go.

Have you ever encountered a choice that would lead you closer to your internal yearning, but it feels like it would take a lot of courage to do it? And there is a safe option too, to stay on the path you are currently on. Not changing a darn thing but holding the boat steady because steady, feels like a priority too.

Looking back I can pinpoint moments where fear drove me to make one decision over another. I also see when I set my dream aside to pursue someone else’s. It is obvious where opportunities presented themselves and so I took them, just because they were good and not necessarily something I was looking for. And I remember where doors closed, through no control of my own, so I had to go another way.

I wouldn’t negate any of my choices for they all led to where I am now. With every part of my journey I’ve learned something, and those somethings taught me to strengthen my little wings and fly a little higher. I will say it’s been a curvy path to say the least, never getting from point A to point B directly, but a long swirly flight pattern where I never quite land.

We were in the Smokey mountains on a family vacation and I was sitting on the front porch rocking chair, admiring my view of the mountains. It rained daily during our stay and I often found myself watching the raindrops on the trees, admiring the mountains in my line of sight.

In just the smallest shifts of the morning, clouds would envelop the mountain peaks covering the beautiful landscape I knew was there. All of a sudden only the trees in the foreground were my view, while billows of smoke covered the rest. It struck me. I could be anywhere and in any forrest, not the place we traveled a long road to come see. The famous mountain peaks were gone. All I could see, was what was right in front of me.

I am beginning to think that is what life can do to us. Good or bad, our view can get really foggy. Daily tasks take hold of our time and staying afloat becomes such a priority that we forget about the dreams we once had and the view we want to see. We can’t visualize us reaching our goals when they are covered up with being busy. And when we are met with those bigger choices, its hard to see through the smoke.

So, how do we clear the mist and see the mountain peaks of our dreams again?

Maybe it starts by one shift.

One tiny moment in time where you quiet yourself.

Close your eyes and listen to your heart.

For me:

My dream is to be an author that serves my reader well. I want to inspire others to listen to who they are, feel loved, follow their true north and spread hope.

What will it take to get there?

Carving out time to write and making it a priority.

Being brave enough to share my writing even more.

Saying no to other things, so I can say yes to myself.

How about you?

What is it that you want? Truly want?

And what will it take, to get there?

What do you say no to to make space for your dream?

What do you need to say yes to, and be brave?

I hope in sharing this, you can be a part of my journey and I’ll be a part of yours.

Taking the time to take notice of what’s in our hearts is important. We are amazing beings, with gifts and desires buried deep within us. Clearing away the fog can foster a remembering, and a love, of ourselves. When we allow ourselves to follow our true path, that beauty will spill over into the world around us!

If the world awaits us to fill in our dream space, why not think about how?

I hope you feel encouraged to find that inner dream inside of you, and see what she has been waiting to say.

