New Rivers

Speak up to say not what you’ve been told, but what resounds within your heart

Speak up so ears can hear your soul before it’s ripped apart

Speak up so those that come after you have a place for their feet to stand

Speak up to honor all types of folk, give freedom a place to land

Forgive so bitterness doesn’t grow but seeds split open in soil

Forgive to let loose the grip of shame and fruit to come of the toil

Forgive so leaves can hold the rain quenching dried up tears

Forgive to let flowers bloom again, catching sun in the freedom of fear

Move on so that there is no stake on you, no claim to your heart anymore

Move on to be free of what is not of you, no compromising at your door

Move on to find a home for your bags, enter a room with a view 

Move on to become the fire that grows, a woman of love that includes

Catch grace before it slips away and let it linger on your tongue

Catch mercy before it hardens to stone, let it pour out on everyone

Catch truth where you find it like diamonds in coal, fueling you where you go

Catch strength from the breaking and rebuild your path, new rivers are bursting to flow.


Jenna Schroeder

Jenna is a writer living in the sweetheart of Ohio.



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