On my morning walks I’ve seen the sunrise when the moon was still out in the gray blue sky, and I have to admit it takes my breath away. The gathering of deer in a nearby lot  is another scene that grabs hold of me. 

I have to be sure to notice these wonders, and pause. It’s an automatic peace bringer, making me aware of the bigger world and it’s inner workings of splendor. 

Snow seems to slow me down as well. Flakes floating capture my attention and I can’t help but pause. This soft quiet wonder certainly deserves a gaze and I find it’s good for my soul to take a beat. Nature symbiotic with what our bodies and spirits need, is a divine thing to me.

What small and simple beauties are you noticing in your day? Are there moments capturing your attention, transitioning your heart from to-do list to thankful? 

Perhaps your life is rushed and overwhelming, and this idea has been a challenge. Or it’s too cold for you to take in nature’s gifts and this season has been too hard on you. I get that. Take a deep breath, my friend. Exhale.

Sometimes, we have to create little pockets of peace to allow ourselves to pause. Lighting a candle, grabbing the softest blanket, playing your music… can bring care and warmth to your day. I know it does to mine. The tiniest gestures toward myself make me feel a little better during tough seasons.  

Don’t be afraid to treat yourself with kindness. Use your space in whatever way you can to create a moment of peace. Water your favorite house plant, have hot tea and linger at that cardinal a little longer…it’s all in the little things. A little bit of self care means treating yourself how you would want someone, to treat you.

You certainly deserve a pause. A little bit of self care goes a long way. Even seconds of sabbath can refresh the soul. And let’s not forget, you are worthy of being cared for. Even if that tenderness, is coming from you.

Here’s to pausing in the middle of winter, may it wrap you up in warmth.

Peace is always beautiful.
— Walt Whitman
Jenna Schroeder

Jenna is a writer living in the sweetheart of Ohio. 


Surface Pressure


Grief & Hope