Jenna Schroeder

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Bird Prayer

Meditating in my back yard I attempt to keep myself away.

From screens, from thoughts.

Ten minutes, just ten minutes to clear my head.

My ears open to the distant talking of neighbors I cannot see.

The roar of a truck down the hill.

Birds flitting about in huge trees that grace my backyard.

Breathing in deep I can’t help but to open my eyes.

There she is, a soft feathered cardinal hopping from branch to ground.

Bouncing, flying, landing.


Another cardinal perches high in the tree above, eating whatever he just caught.

Feathers bright and sharp among the green.


I find a third overhead fly toward a flowered bush, making its own path.

Yet connected to the pattern of the others.


The air choreography is stunning. I am at awe at these birds and I am also jealous.

They have each other. They have what they need. They do not worry.

Reminding me of a favorite verse I held onto years ago.

…do not worry about what to wear or what to eat… the birds do not worry…even the flowers do not spin and toil for even Solomon was not dressed as them in all his splendor…

They have just what they need for the day, these birds.

They live in community.

Freely sharing trees and food and space and air.

They are not anxious about what their future holds.

I want to be like that.

I want to be in this tribal community; I want to dance and share what we find.

Share my home. Share my heart.

I do not want to worry about tomorrow for I know the day has enough worry for itself and the day, in itself, has all I need to survive.

Because I have a tribe.

Because I have a branch on which to land.

Because I have freedom in the air.

Because, there is solitude for my feet on the ground.

And because of this, my spirit would fly.

This is my prayer.