Jenna Schroeder

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Healthy Body

Often, I find myself writing about the mind and soul and how my personal experiences have affected them. There’s a whole section that I’ve neglected to write about because it can be a sensitive topic, but has been a priority of mine for a long time. The body. 

I am forever amazed at how the body mind and heart connect. When we take care of it, the ripple effect goes deep and wide. Over the pandemic I experienced a serious decline in my emotional health, and like many I had to pull myself out of the slump. One way I did that, was by focusing on my body’s health.

Recently I’ve had a few conversations with people wanting to get healthier, lose weight or feel better about themselves. So, I wanted to share a few simple tips that I use in hopes it might help those wanting to reach their goals.

Drink Water:

Sounds lame? I know. Think about it though, when we are thirsty our body is asking for hydration. Too often we grab a sugary drink like juice or soda, which does the opposite. Even a diet coke is deceiving, it doesn’t hydrate you and the sweeteners they use have chemicals that aren’t good for us. Switching out sugary drinks for water can make a huge impact on your health and your weight.

To curb the soda habit, snag a flavored seltzer instead. Keep a water bottle with you at work and even around the house to increase your water intake. When going out to eat, opt for water at restaurants. Instead of drinking calories that won’t last, I prefer to eat them to sustain me and by choosing water, I’m giving my body what it’s actually asking for. 

*Bonus, you save lots of money at restaurants just by choosing water!

Move Daily:

Our culture is set up to be sedentary. We sit at work, to watch TV, to drive around…so we are constantly turning off our Piriformis muscle (your behind). This can lead to all kinds of injuries and aching joints because it’s not strong enough to be the foundation of our movements. When we literally get off our butts we activate it and strengthen our largest muscle group, taking the pressure off of our joints and preventing injury!

If you see an opportunity to take a break from sitting, go for it! Small examples are to park far away from where you are headed. Practice yoga stretches mid day or consider a standing desk to beat the 8 hour sitting slump at work. 

You might not have an hour to hit the gym but going for a walk on your lunch break can do wonders. Grab a friend or your favorite podcast and you’ll probably walk longer than you meant to! Light housework, yard work, playing with your kids or pets…all of these things contribute to movement which is good for our bodies and our souls. Consider your daily routine, and how you can incorporate more movement and standing.

Eat Healthy:

Food intake is a big time player in your health. I’m a big fan of doing what works the best for you. I am not of fan starving yourself or following a fad diet that can’t be sustained. If you found a plan that is maintainable - that’s great! For me, I recommend creating a healthy lifestyle you can sustain and enjoy. That includes eating healthy and without guilt.

Moderation and balance is key. Adding fruits and veggies to your meals round out your nutrients, giving your body what it needs to thrive. Eating smaller portions at meal time will help you feel less bloated and still fill you up. Including healthy snacks through out the day will regulate your blood sugar level; and prevent overeating at meal time.

*Snacks also curb Hangriness or better put, arguments with your loved ones! 

Personal Example:

I eat a healthy breakfast every day (not overly processed) but some whole grain toast and an egg gets me the protein and love I need for the morning. If your routine is cereal, check to make sure sugar isn’t one of the first 3 ingredients. Oatmeal is another great starter. Especially the old fashioned rolled oats (versus instant packets). Add your own honey to sweeten and you won’t be getting an overly sugary start. Balance it out with your choice at lunch. Salad with protein, soup and cheese/crackers, half a sandwich with carrots and hummus are some of my favorite go-to’s. In the afternoon I usually grab an apple and peanut butter or a yogurt with granola. It gives me a bit of protein and curbs my sweet tooth. Find a snack you enjoy but also has some protein. For dinner, I mostly cook at home. Including a vegetable as a side dish and using fruit for the dessert will help make a meal healthy and complete. I don’t take carbs away completely because hey, who doesn’t love a good dinner roll? And if I eat healthy for majority of the day, I don’t feel guilty if I want to indulge with a special treat or late night snack. *I will never deny myself a good pizza on a Friday night. If I’m out for dinner I try to make good choices but I also enjoy whatever I get because, that’s important too! We can’t take all the fun out of it, right? 

My encouragement to you is to fill in your own gaps - what’s something you eat all the time that you could switch out for a healthier version? Is there a time you crave dessert but you could eat fruit instead? What’s a healthy snack option that includes protein to curb your hunger? And, if you typically eat out a lot, can you look for healthier options on the menu?

Incorporating any of these tips will help you create a healthier lifestyle and positive relationship with your food intake. Think about balance, not withholding, and go from there.

Exercise Regularly:

This is different than daily movement. I’ve been a group fitness instructor for 15 years and one of the first facts I remember reading was to exercise 30 minutes 5 times a week to keep your heart healthy. For years I thought I had to hit the gym for hours on end to get the results I wanted, and that just isn’t the case. It was a relief to read the proof in my text book!

Depending on your schedule and season of life, if you can go for a 30 minute bike ride or jog most days of the week, that’s great to keep your heart and body in shape. Many hit the gym 2-3 days a week and spend an hour or more working out instead, which works too! My thoughts are; if smaller chunks of time is what you have - than do that. If you like going to certain classes certain days of week, awesome! Everything helps, but consistency is key.

I have found that finding something I LOVE to do that is active, works the best for me to keep doing it. Doing that with other people, makes it even more likely that I will work out. Cardio is important if you want to lose weight. Aerobics, dancing, running, biking, kick boxing…anything that gets your heart rate up will burn calories and tune up your insides.

Find music, find a friend, find something you love and then, schedule it. If you put it in your calendar you are so much more likely to do it! I’ve had seasons where working out wasn’t something I could fit in. And although there is grace for those seasons, those were the hardest times for me emotionally because I wasn’t taking care of myself. Guilt on top of already feeling bad is no fun! We all need those endorphins to lift our spirits so it’s important to prioritize exercise, even if it is just to lift ourselves out of our own funk. 

If cardio is not an option due to injury, surgeries, age etc. you can other ways to get your heart rate up. Double your walking time or quicken your pace, try power yoga or hot yoga instead of regular, try holding a plank or doing mat Pilates or Barre. These are safe exercises that will give you strength, endorphins and the cardio your body needs. Once you make it a part of your life, your body will see the benefits! And don’t be afraid to work up to it.

So, how about you?

What sounds like the most fun? What will help you reach your goals? What are YOU motivated by?

You can create the life and healthy body you want, but it is up to you to make it happen. 

We are in charge! If there is something that is not working for you, change it. If you find your feelings are low, try taking care of your body and see if that doesn’t lift your mood. And remember, you don’t have to do everything at once. Small changes create big results over a long period of time!

Activating your healthier lifestyle is just a matter of choices. Try any of these simple tips to help you on your journey. Drink Water, Move Daily, Eat Healthier, Exercise Regularly…and most importantly, Stay Encouraged!

Taking care of yourself is noble. There’s nothing wrong with putting your body’s needs first. After all, everything is operating out of it so we might as well take care of the space in which we move and live and have our being. You’ve got this and I’m here to help!

Take Action:

One habit you can change today?

What’s your favorite way to be active?

When can you schedule in time to exercise this week?