Jenna Schroeder

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Spilling the Tea

It happened.

The people are in school. My husband and I can work in peace. The weather is a dream!

I find myself still unravelling from how busy it was attempting to manage so much with the kids home. You know how when you recover from being sick and you think - why did I push myself, duh I was sick? It’s like that. No wonder I felt stretched, we were managing chaos.

Currently, experiencing some peaceful moments and undistracted hours of focus has been a Godsend. I’m still in awe. All that to say, no matter how busy or how slow the day is I’ve been gravitating to things that feel like peace. One of those things, is tea.

Making tea takes intension. Choosing it does too because Lord knows I love a good coffee shop latte. There is something simple, in choosing tea at home. Taking time make a hot cup creates a natural pause. Steeping it. Sipping it.

The act in and of itself quiets my soul just for a moment.

And today yours truly put it in a very pretty pot to make it nice, just for myself. Sadly, I found a crack along the bottom. Oh, what a metaphor.

Life can look beautiful, and have delightful contents, but no matter how pretty you paint it we can all get cracks if we don’t take care.

So here’s my crack in the teapot take aways

- find the things that bring you joy and do them because they keep you afloat.

-notice the things that bring you peace, because they help you find your centering.

-reflect on what’s draining you, because it’ll point you in the right direction to create change.

And, it’s okay if you spill a little.

No one is perfect.

Not even my pretty little tea pot.

I’m still going to keep her around though.

Giving her some tender care and myself a dose of grace and care too.

Now…to the porch I go, tea in hand.

Sip sip. Ahhhhh……