Grief & Hope
Grief, Loss, Friendship, Encouragement, Hope, Self Care, Feelings Jenna Schroeder Grief, Loss, Friendship, Encouragement, Hope, Self Care, Feelings Jenna Schroeder

Grief & Hope

The deep red cushioned seat hugs me at a play with my daughter. The overture for Annie begins and all of a sudden I started to tear up. I don’t know what it was about that moment that made me miss my dad, I just did. Grief is a multitude of feelings and it sneaks up on me in the oddest of moments.

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Not enough or Just enough
Jenna Schroeder Jenna Schroeder

Not enough or Just enough

Once you can count the years on one hand that you have them in your house, a gut wrench ensues. I’m not kidding, it hurts a bit. Maybe to some, it feels like relief. To many of us, it insights panic.

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